The Emin is a philosophy into what it means to be human and a preparation towards a different kind of future.

The heart of it is fostering the emergence of a new way, as we stand on the threshold of an evolutionary surge for the human race.

At its core the Emin remains an enigma, yet its take-up has led to increasing perception and values that suggest a breaking of the current limitations of the human today. For the phenomenal rise in technology seems to have eclipsed the organic growth in our own innate human technology.

The Emin's appearance has led to groupings of people wanting to explore what tomorrow calls for - its challenges and great new opportunities - unconstrained by the accepted wisdoms of today. Various groups arose in London and around the UK from 1972 and this has now spread to many countries in the world.

This is the site of the community in London and if you would like to know more about the Emin please see our main website at

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